Tess is a New York-based stand-up comedian, full-time video producer at Betches Media, improviser, musical comic, and cycle instructor. She’s not extra, she extra-curricular and has brought comedy into every job she has had. She produces Spicy Medley, a comedy variety show at The Gutter, as well as her own show “My Life as a Rom Com,” a comedy show for hopeless romantics but she is best known for her viral stand up clips, music videos and sketches that reach over a million views each.
She has trained in improv and sketch writing at The Second City, UCB, and Brooklyn Comedy Collective and a clowning class at the Theater Academy in London and continues to do impov in the city.
Tess got her to start working in corporate comedy, teaching companies how to effectively bring humor into the workplace. She continues corporate shows for companies like Chelsea Piers, Marshall McLennan and Circle of Care. She has done branded content with brands like Hulu, Secret,Netflix and more. While she wears many different hats, it all comes back to her love of comedy and bringing people together. Check out her videos and upcoming shows by following her on Instagram @tesstreg